...where friction is a DRAG!

Wednesday, February 20, 2008

5 Months to go... or so...

Last night I received an email from Jim & Denise Taylor, our defending champions from the last two years. Jim & Denise are two of the handful of people, including my brother's family, my Uncle, and my dad, who have other things scheduled during the weekend of July 19th. As the last post on the blog addresses, I am willing to change the date to fit the needs of the majority of the potential attendees, but I am needing everyone to vote as soon as they know what date works best for you.

Also in their email were a few "jabs" at me for changing the rules about the wheels. Anyone who has met the Taylors knows, they're a very competitive couple and can be pretty intense. They have been very successful the last two years and have basically destroyed the competition.

In order to "level the playing field" a little, I needed to restrict the "big budget teams" with a few rule changes. This will give even the "average Joe" a better shot at winning a few rounds of racing and hopefully make it more fun for everyone. Some people don't like restrictions and I understand that but my intent is for this to be fun as well as competitive.

Years ago when my Uncle EZ had the "Burris Lake Regatta & Pig Cook" where we raced handmade boats across his pond, Tony Marrapodi & I always tried to stretch the limits of the rules in order to win (which we never did by the way). Each year my Uncle would modify the rules in order to "reel us in" a bit and honestly, I felt that it was more fun when the competitors were more closely matched. It was more fun to see a close race than someone just run away with the trophy.

I really think that this year's Burris Drags will be much closer in competition and more fun for everyone. We'll have a seperate "kid's class" where the kids can have a fun race, the Unlimited Class for the serious competitors and the regular ol' Burris Drags Champion Class where the winner takes home the traveling trophy. As always there's plenty of food and drinks and people to talk to.

The summer is just around the corner so start thinking about your fastest car designs. I'm excited about the new Unlimited Class and I think this year will be the best yet.

Email me or post a comment here on the blog if you have questions.


Monday, February 11, 2008

Race Day... when will it be?

I have lately become aware of a few scheduling conflicts with a few people and I have decided to let you be a part in the decision making process in determining the actual event date. I have included a poll on the right sidebar of this blog that lists 3 dates. (NOTE: You can vote for more than one date... For example; if only one date is a problem but the other two are fine, you can vote for BOTH of the acceptable dates.)

PLEASE select a date as soon as you can in order to help determine when the party will be.

I hate to be "wishy washy" about the date but the current scheduled date is not going to work for quite a few people who generally attend the party every year and I'd like to be flexible enough to allow for as many people to come as possible. Therefore I really need you to choose a date that works best for you. I will make a final decision by May 1st and that should give all the airline folks enough time to bid for the time off, etc...

If you have any questions or suggestions please feel free to email me or just call.

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